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Music Education

Mr. Music Muisc School began as a solution to Covid-19 and the resulting shift from in normal every day classes to online learning. Jim Corbett and Timo O’hagain created a partnership. Jim created the space and procured the resources necessary to produce the raw footage, and Timo made the movies.  We were pioneering, we still are, there were no models that solved all the necessary parts to create a rich online experience dedicated to children. We we were born for this.

Rich in ideas, tiny little budget , and off we go.

We produced the first 24 programs for our first year and one half. Over 150 videos exposing children to different instruments, music from other cultures, and rich illustrative sing a longs and a host of amazing musicians demonstrating different musical genres.

While we were designing the initial content for an online experience the world changed and students were back in class. Year two saw us delivering content as an added enrichment component to live classes. We were providing an experience that a typical school doesn’t have available.

We continued to produce content. We completed an addition 8 complete programs adding a Wizard, A Poet and This Week’s Specials,  We expanded to 23 musicians.




All videos begin with a basic story line.  The storyboarding process was developed at Walt Disney Productions during the early 1930s. Conceptualizing the story first using graphics, photos or illustrations  enables Production to determine camera setup, 1 to 5 cameras and placement,  Audio setup , microphone types and setup, and props necessary to support the story.


Green Screen Studio

Mr. Music Music School has a dedicated green screen studio where most our video is shot. One of the largest green screen set ups in Northern California we can take a crowd of kids and place them anywhere in this world.

Green screening enables us to better illustrate lessons with relevant content and locations. Making it magic entertains, informs and increases retention.

Post Production

Making the Movie

Post Production is where the story comes together. The Video Editor brings all the elements together video, audio, animation, and effects to make our movie.


Enabling children to experience the richness of music.

Mr. Music Music School maintains a private platform for the delivery of our content. By doing so we can ensure that what is presented to children is always appropriate.

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